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毕业于2024新澳门2024原料网,四川大学华西口腔医院副教授/硕士研究生导师,美国哈佛大学牙学院联合培养博士及博士后。从事牙及骨发育与矿化相关疾病的关键理论和临床应用研究,以一作/通讯作者在Cell Metab、Signal Transduct Target The、PNAS、eLife、J Dent Res、FASEB J等发表学术论文。入选中国科协“青年人才托举工程”,四川省“天府峨眉计划”。获全国牙体牙髓病学青年学者基础研究一等奖、IADR中国分会杰出青年学者一等奖、IADR Joseph Lister奖、美国矿物代谢进展研讨会John Haddad青年学者奖、美国内分泌协会年度青年学者奖、ASBMR青年女性学者特别奖、国际骨骼生物学协会Alice L. Jee青年学者奖、中华口腔医学会口腔生物医学新锐奖、口腔生物医学优秀青年研究奖等。
1. Fan Y, Hanai J, Le P, Bi R, Maridas D, Figueroa C, Kir S, Zhou X, Mannstadt M, Baron R, Horowitz M, Wu J, Bilezikian J, Dempster D, Rosen C, Lanske B. Parathyroid hormone directs bone marrow mesenchymal cell fate. Cell Metabolism. 2017;7;25(3):661-672.
2. Fan Y, Liu W, Bi R, Densmore M, Sato T, Mannstadt M, Yuan Q, Zhou X, Olauson H, Larsson TE, Toka HR, Pollak MR, Brown EM, Lanske B. Interrelated role of Klotho and calcium-sensing receptor in parathyroid hormone synthesis and parathyroid hyperplasia. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2018;115(16):E3749-E3758.
3. Cui C, Bi R, Liu W, Guan S, Li P, Song D, Xu R, Zheng L, Yuan Q, Zhou X, Fan Y. Role of PTH1R signaling in Prx1+ mesenchymal progenitors during eruption. J Dent Res, 2020;99(11):1296-1305.
4. Fan Y, Cui C, Rosen C, Sato T, Xu R, Li P, Wei X, Bi R, Yuan Q, Zhou C. Klotho in Osx+-mesenchymal progenitors exerts pro-osteogenic and anti-inflammatory effects during mandibular alveolar bone formation and repair, Signal Transduct Target Ther. 2022;7(1):155.
5. Fan Y, Lyu P, Bi R, Cui C, Xu R, Rosen C, Yuan Q, Zhou C. Creating an atlas of the bone microenvironment during oral inflammatory-related bone disease using single-cell profiling, eLife. 2023;12:e82537.
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